The pandemic has changed lives around the world. No one is unaffected by this, and we have all been fighting the virus in different ways, most of all by keeping a distance, washing our hands, and staying more at home.
How has the pandemic changed our shopping habits?
One of the things that has changed dramatically is how we shop. Millions of people around the world have businesses that have been directly affected by the pandemic, and many are struggling to survive.
Because people have been told to stay more at home, it is also difficult to shop in person, except for necessary trips to the market for food, household supplies, and medicine. Many people belonging to high-risk groups can not even leave their house for these essentials but are dependent on others helping them out.
Usabilla by SurveyMonkey asked people about their shopping behavior during COVID-19, and 54% of respondents in the U.K. indicated to do more online shopping, followed by France with 45%. In Germany, only 38% of respondents indicated an increase in online shopping. The remaining (51%) reported about the same amount of online shopping as they did prior to the Coronavirus outbreak.

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How has the pandemic changed our shopping habits?
One of the things that has changed dramatically is how we shop. Millions of people around the world have businesses that have been directly affected by the pandemic, and many are struggling to survive.
Because people have been told to stay more at home, it is also difficult to shop in person, except for necessary trips to the market for food, household supplies, and medicine. Many people belonging to high-risk groups can not even leave their house for these essentials but are dependent on others helping them out.
Usabilla by SurveyMonkey asked people about their shopping behavior during COVID-19, and 54% of respondents in the U.K. indicated to do more online shopping, followed by France with 45%. In Germany, only 38% of respondents indicated an increase in online shopping. The remaining (51%) reported about the same amount of online shopping as they did prior to the Coronavirus outbreak.
Will our online shopping habits change forever?
The question that many people and business owners are asking themselves is: “Will the shift from offline to online shopping go back to normal after COVID-19, or is this actually the new normal?”
Maybe the customers that have gotten used to online shopping will find it more convenient and not return to their old shopping habits in physical stores?
When asking people about this, 60% of the respondents in the U.K., and 58% of the respondents in Germany, answered that they would do “about the same amount of online shopping as they are doing today.” 48% of the respondents in the US and 40% of the respondents in France indicated they will most likely do even more online shopping than they are doing presently during COVID-19
What has saved many businesses this Annus Horribilis 2020, is the opportunity to set up shop online and keep doing business via the Internet. Restaurants have survived by making an effort to set up home deliveries and grocery stores will bring supplies and food to your home, making it easier for their customers to shop while staying safely at home.

What about customer service?
One of the advantages of a physical store is the ability to be able to help your customer in person, something that can be a challenge in an online shop.
Of course, you will never get quite the same 1-1 relationship between customer and shop owner in an online store as you would in a physical location, getting help picking out products and getting questions answered right away. There are still ways to build a relationship in an online store by contacting the shop by phone or email, maybe even being able to chat online with the shop’s customer service.
As an online business, we are happy to be able to help our amazing customers from all around the world to keep shopping for high-quality Nordic products from the comfort and safety of their homes anywhere in the world. Shopping can be done from home, and we ship your goods to you no matter where you are.

Photo by Afif Kusuma on Unsplash
Retail therapy – an escape from the harsh reality
Many of us love to shop to take a break from the everyday struggle. This year we may have needed it even more than before.
If you shop as an escape or just to take a little break from a boring day or taking your mind of something, online shopping is great. Fill a basket with all you want and browse all the merchandise to find your favorites and share them with your friends and family on social media, by email or text. Then the next time you visit the online store, you will know what to look for, and maybe you will discover some new treasures along the way?
Get social on FaceTime, Zoom, or Teams with friends and do an online shop- browsing together! In this way, you can be social in a safe way while you are all online shopping together. This way you can get some of the same enjoyment as you do when getting together at the mall. Have a snack, a drink, or a coffee together as you chat and share your online favorites!

Photo by Alexandru Acea on Unsplash
When you have to stay at home, make it a more comfortable stay!
We can offer you the products you need to make your stay at home more comfortable, like cozy socks, snuggly blankets to keep you warm, woolen clothing for a natural feeling.
Many of the activities we used to do together are now done home alone. Working out, attending concerts, watching movies, and other things.
Maybe you need a new drinking bottle for your workout?
Our online mall offers lots of amazing Scandinavian quality items to add to your home, or to cheer someone up with a gift. Lots of people struggle with loneliness and depression these days, and a thoughtful gift from a loved one is a great way to fight those feelings.

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash
Reading is the best way of traveling when you are stuck at home!
Travel is something we all love to do, and this year has taken that away from us, but you can still get that feeling of Scandinavian travels by clicking home products from Norway, Sweden, and other countries of Scandinavia from our online store.
You can also enjoy the Nordic feeling by reading our online Fjord Journal about the best tourist routes in Norway, The Midnight Sun, take an online stroll along the most beautiful beaches in Norway, and other great adventures. This way you can explore Scandinavia from the comfort and safety of your own home.
In the books we sell you can enjoy reading about Norwegian and Scandinavian nature safe in your own home, and plan future trips to our magnificent countries. Take this time without travel as the perfect opportunity to make detailed plans for the vacations you will make in the future.

Photo by Hello I’m Nik 🎞 on Unsplash
Is it safe to order online during COVID-19?
Some shoppers are questioning the safety of receiving their online orders. Experts have found that the virus could live on surfaces from three hours to up to three days, depending on the material they are in contact with.
Still, it will be very safe to order items online. COVID-19 will not survive on your purchased items from the time they were packed to the time you received your package (the slowdown in the delivery system because of the huge increase in online shopping will also contribute to the safety of this). Also, shipping conditions create a very tough environment for COVID-19, so it’s highly unlikely that you would be exposed via the package itself.
The World Health Organization has addressed this concern as well, saying that it is absolutely safe to receive packages from locations with reported COVID-19 cases. Their website states: “The likelihood of an infected person contaminating commercial goods is low and the risk of catching the virus that causes COVID-19 from a package that has been moved, traveled, and exposed to different conditions and temperature is also low.”
You are welcome to do your safe and risk-free online shopping at the Mall of Norway
We are working hard to make your online shopping experience a pleasant one, continually improving our store and all of our products. We aim to bring you only the best of Scandinavian products.
Visit our store to find your favorites and some treasures for your friends and loved ones. We hope to see you in our store in Flåm again in 2021, and until then, we will see you online, safe and sound.